On Aunty

Publication Date:  
Feb 2019


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Australia's public broadcaster, “Aunty”, is about to turn 90, yet ABC has seldom been in this much trouble: budget cuts, political pressure, sagging staff morale, leadership chaos and hostile rivals. What is the ABC's place in the era of media disruption? Can it reach a younger audience on new platforms while still satisfying its loyal fans?

Australia's public broadcaster, 'Aunty', is about to turn 90, yet your ABC has seldom been in this much trouble: budget cuts, ferocious political pressure, sagging staff morale, leadership chaos and hostile commercial rivals. Meanwhile audiences are deserting broadcast TV and radio. What is the ABC's place in the era of media disruption? Can it reach a younger audience on new platforms while still satisfying its loyal fans?

Jonathan Holmes has worked for public broadcasters on three continents over forty-five years. He joined the ABC as Four Corners executive producer in 1982 and retired in 2013 after five years of presenting Media Watch. Holmes still reports occasionally for ABC TV.
Date Published28 Feb 2019
PublisherMelbourne University Publishing