Africa's Ecology

Valentine Udoh James

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780786479139
  • Publication Date: Jun 2024
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Waste Management and Life Cycle Assessment for Sustainable Business Practice


Businesses are grappling with a profound dilemma – the pursuit of economic prosperity versus the goal of ecological sustainability. Climate change impacts increase with each passing day, compelling industries to reconcile their operations with the urgent need for a sustainable, eco-conscious paradigm. The book, Waste Management and Life Cycle Assessment for Sustainable Business Practice , is an authoritative response to this pressing global challenge. Delving into the issues surrounding the environmental impact of economic activities, it explores the intersection where industries must navigate the delicate balance between profit-making and the preservation of our planet. This book delves into the disconcerting truth that industries are substantial contributors to the global emissions of greenhouse gases. It presents a compelling case, supported by the United Nations Environment Program's findings, that businesses wield immense power in either perpetuating environmental degradation or steering us towards a greener, more sustainable future. Despite the growing voices for eco-friendly practices, businesses often find themselves caught in the tug-of-war between profitability and environmental responsibility. This book argues that the time for a shift towards sustainable business practices is now, offering a comprehensive guide to academic scholars, researchers, and professionals seeking to understand and implement transformative strategies.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369325957
  • Publication Date: Jun 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Biomaterials Engineering and Green Chemistry for Sustainability

Khadija Haboubi

The world faces unprecedented environmental challenges due to the extensive overuse of materials in modern society. This ecological crisis has led to pollution, resource depletion, and climate change, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable solutions. Developing and implementing solutions for environmental sustainability requires an understanding of fragmented disciplines. Biomaterials Engineering and Green Chemistry for Sustainability offers a comprehensive approach to address these challenges. By bringing together research and insights from materials science, chemistry, engineering, and environmental science, this book provides a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration. This book is a vital resource for researchers, professionals, policymakers, and students seeking to make as positive impact on the environment. It provides a deep dive into critical topics and inspires readers to incorporate sustainable practices into their work and daily lives.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369322444
  • Publication Date: May 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Quality of Life and Climate Change

Kasturi Shukla

Quality of Life and Climate Change: Impacts, Sustainable Adaptation, and Social-Ecological Resilience delves into the pressing concerns surrounding climate change and its profound impacts on the quality of life (QoL) experienced by individuals and communities worldwide. This book explores the intricate relationship between climate change, variability, and QoL in both rural and urban settings. It undertakes a detailed review of QoL assessments to examine the extent to which climatic changes and livability conditions are incorporated into existing evaluations. By shedding light on the critical need to consider climatic factors in measuring and comparing QoL, especially in the context of creating aging-friendly and climate-neutral cities, this publication addresses a significant research gap. This book presents prospective themes, including sustainable solutions, mitigation strategies, and models to enhance socio-ecological resilience. The chapters within the book cover a wide range of topics including climatic variations and future projections, technological advancements in climate change mitigation, implications for residential and non-residential areas, industrial solutions, SDG attainment, mitigation strategies, QoL measurement instruments, and urban QoL models. By addressing these themes, the book provides a comprehensive analysis of the complex interactions between climate change, QoL, and the pursuit of sustainable development. This book serves as a valuable resource for researchers, academicians, policymakers, civil society groups, think tanks, government and non-government organizations, international agencies, and other interested parties seeking to deepen their knowledge and capacity in the field of climate change and its impacts on QoL and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) attainment.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781668498637
  • Publication Date: Apr 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Machining Polymer Matrix Composites

Francisco Mata Cabrera

Academic scholars engaged in machining polymer matrix composites face challenges due to material property variations, complex structures, and the pursuit of high surface quality. The lack of comprehensive resources further hampers their ability to develop efficient and sustainable machining techniques. Machining Polymer Matrix Composites: Tools, Techniques, and Sustainability , edited by Francisco Mata Cabrera and Issam Hanafi, offers a comprehensive solution. This book provides practical knowledge on tool selection, cutting parameters, surface quality, and tool wear, empowering scholars to overcome the intricacies of machining these materials. With insights into turning, milling, drilling, grinding, and advancements in high-speed and ultrasonic machining, the book equips scholars with a comprehensive toolbox for optimizing their machining techniques. The book goes beyond technique to address environmental impact, covering topics such as energy consumption, waste generation, and emissions. Through case studies, it offers practical applications and valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of machining polymer matrix composites. This comprehensive solution, encompassing knowledge, practical guidance, and sustainability considerations, empowers academic scholars to achieve high-quality machined components while minimizing their environmental footprint. Regardless of their expertise level, whether beginners seeking fundamental understanding or experienced professionals in need of advanced insights, scholars will find this book an indispensable resource. By covering tool selection, cutting parameters, surface quality, and environmental impact, Machining Polymer Matrix Composites: Tools, Techniques, and Sustainability equips scholars with the necessary tools to excel in machining polymer matrix composites.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781668499276
  • Publication Date: Apr 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Creating and Sustaining an Information Governance Program

Kris Helge

We live in an era defined by data proliferation and digital transformation, and the effective management of information has become a concern for organizations across the globe. Creating and Sustaining an Information Governance Program is a comprehensive academic guide that delves into the intricate realm of Information Governance (IG), focusing on the key components and strategies essential for establishing and perpetuating a robust IG program. This book elucidates the intricacies of establishing and nurturing an information governance program, and it equips readers with the knowledge and tools to navigate the challenges and opportunities inherent in this endeavor. It delves into the cultural shifts, communication strategies, and training methods necessary for success. It emphasizes the vital importance of collaboration across organizational silos, the cultivation of administrative support, securing appropriate funding, and educating stakeholders on the purpose and benefits of an IG program. This book is ideal for individuals across academia, corporate sectors, government agencies, and for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. Its insights are universally applicable, spanning industries such as law firms, general corporate environments, government entities, educational institutions, and businesses of all sizes. Creating and Sustaining an Information Governance Program guides organizations of all stripes toward effective information governance, compliance, and risk mitigation in a data-centric world.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369304723
  • Publication Date: Apr 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Print proceedings of the ASME 2019 14th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC2019): 2 Volume Set

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: H2023S-AME
  • Publication Date: Apr 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Transformative Science Teaching

Daniel Morales-Doyle

A call to action championing equity and social justice in K–12 science curriculum

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781682538746
  • Publication Date: Apr 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Hidden Dimensions of Poverty

Carter Brandon

This report focuses on the impact of environmental degradation on the poorest, and the sustainability of the economic development model. The global pattern of development observed over the past 25 years has yielded impressive returns, but has come at a high cost of environmental degradation. However, the report finds that the environmental costs of development are disproportionately borne by the extreme poor, and that the changing quality of local natural capital plays a determining role in the process of poverty reduction. Importantly, regardless of the definition of sustainability used, the historical model of development does not appear to be sustainable in the poorest areas of the world. Therefore, achieving the World Bank's poverty goals in a sustainable manner will require more aggressive policy changes than are commonly appreciated. No single set of policy recommendations can apply for all countries, as de-coupling economic and poverty alleviation growth from environmental damages depends on the country context. Still, one truism does apply to all countries: the Twin Goals of poverty alleviation and shared prosperity simply cannot be achieved in an economy and environment that is un-sustainable. Maintaining the sustainable use of natural capital and healthy ecosystems is a fundamental part of what countries need to achieve the Twin Goals.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781464812460
  • Publication Date: Apr 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Convergence Strategies for Green Computing and Sustainable Development

Vishal Jain

Convergence Strategies for Green Computing and Sustainable Development presents a comprehensive exploration of the potential of emerging technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), fog computing, and cloud computing, to aid in fostering a sustainable future. It examines how these technologies can reduce the impact of unsustainability in societies, the environment, and natural resources, offering invaluable insights into harnessing their power for positive change. Convergence Strategies for Green Computing and Sustainable Development serves as a comprehensive strategy that holistically understands, transforms, and develops technological systems in society. This book caters to a diverse range of readers, including graduate students, researchers, working professionals seeking knowledge, and industry experts seeking information about new trends. With its recommended topics and comprehensive table of contents, readers can gain in-depth knowledge about sustainable cloud computing, artificial intelligence and machine learning for sustainable development, sustainable wireless systems and networks, and the crucial role of green IoT and Edge-AI in driving a sustainable digital transition.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369303382
  • Publication Date: Apr 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Harnessing High-Performance Computing and AI for Environmental Sustainability


The world is addressing the insistent challenge of climate change, and the need for innovative solutions has become paramount. In this period of technical developments, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful instrument with enormous prospects to combat climate change and other environmental subjects. AI's ability to process vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make intelligent predictions offers unprecedented opportunities to tackle this global crisis. High-Performance Computing (HPC) or super-computing environments address these large and complex challenges with individual nodes (computers) working together in a cluster (connected group) to perform massive amounts of computing in a short period. Creating and removing these clusters is often automated in the cloud to reduce costs. Computer networks, communication systems, and other IT infrastructures have a growing environmental footprint due to significant energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. To address this seemingly self-defeating conundrum, and create a truly sustainable environment, new energy models, algorithms, methodologies, platforms, tools, and systems are required to support next-generation computing and communication infrastructures. Harnessing High-Performance Computing and AI for Environmental Sustainability navigates through AI-driven solutions from sustainable agriculture and land management to energy optimization and smart grids. It unveils how AI algorithms can analyze colossal datasets, offering unprecedented insights into climate modeling, weather prediction, and long-term climate trends. Integrating AI-powered optimization algorithms revolutionizes energy systems, propelling the transition towards a low-carbon future by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing efficiency. This book is ideal for educators, environmentalists, industry professionals, and researchers alike, and it explores the ethical dimensions and policies surrounding AI's contribution to environmental development.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369317945
  • Publication Date: Apr 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Land-Use Management

Sérgio António Neves Lousada

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9780850141320
  • Publication Date: Apr 2024
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Introduction to the Study of Macromolecules

Kiran Abasaheb More

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781774698631
  • Publication Date: Mar 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

The Details of a Cell Structure

Kiran Abasaheb More

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781774698648
  • Publication Date: Mar 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Biological and Environmental Hazards, Risks, and Disasters

Esha rami

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781774698723
  • Publication Date: Mar 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Solutions for Carbon Reduction

Kailash Malode

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781774699034
  • Publication Date: Mar 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Urban forests: a global perspective

S. Borelli

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9789251382691
  • Publication Date: Mar 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Sustainable Disposal Methods of Food Wastes in Hospitality Operations


Food waste has evolved into a global crisis, casting a long shadow over nations and the interconnected fabric of our world. The repercussions of this excess reverberate through environmental and socio-economic landscapes, demanding immediate attention. Globally, the challenge of reducing food waste is acknowledged as a linchpin in achieving a sustainable future. The book Sustainable Disposal Methods of Food Wastes in Hospitality Operations confronts this escalating issue head-on. It contends that the time is ripe for a change in waste disposal practices, advocating for sustainable methods to alleviate environmental strain, combat climate change, and safeguard public health. This book delves into the heart of waste management principles and strategies. Beyond identifying the severity of the issue, the book ventures into uncharted territories, exploring emergent debates surrounding systemic causes and solutions. In a world where information and communication technology empower organizations, a gap persists in translating these advancements into effective waste management initiatives. The book urges a holistic understanding of the issue, drawing attention to the need for collaborative efforts between governments and private industry players to bridge this divide. As it provides a global perspective, the handbook becomes a tool for those seeking to comprehend the intricate web of challenges posed by food waste and navigate towards a sustainable future.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369321812
  • Publication Date: Mar 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Sustainable Approach to Protective Nanocoatings


It is essential to harness the potential of nanotechnology in a rapidly evolving industrial environment. As industries grapple with the demand for more advanced, efficient, and sustainable solutions, the intricate amalgamation of chemistry, materials science, physics, biology, and technology in nanotechnology emerges as both a beacon of promise and a complex puzzle. The groundbreaking book, Sustainable Approach to Protective Nanocoatings , serves as a transformative solution. Tailored for academic scholars seeking comprehensive insights, this book navigates the labyrinth of nanotechnology with precision, offering a roadmap for leveraging nanostructured materials and coatings to meet the demands of the modern industrial world. By seamlessly weaving together the intricate tapestry of research methodologies, applications, and technological advances, the book emerges as an indispensable resource for those poised at the intersection of academia and industry.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369331361
  • Publication Date: Mar 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Teaching Climate Change to Children

Rebecca Woodard

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9780807769799
  • Publication Date: Mar 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days