Converging Pharmacy Science and Engineering in Computational Drug Discovery

Rati Kailash Prasad Tripathi

The world of pharmaceutical research is moving at lightning speed, and the age-old approach to drug discovery faces many challenges. It's a fascinating time to be on the cutting edge of medical innovation, but it's certainly not without its obstacles. The process of developing new drugs is often time-consuming, expensive, and fraught with uncertainty. Researchers are constantly seeking ways to streamline this process, reduce costs, and increase the success rate of bringing new drugs to market. One promising solution lies in the convergence of pharmacy science and engineering, particularly in computational drug discovery. Converging Pharmacy Science and Engineering in Computational Drug Discovery presents a comprehensive solution to these challenges by exploring the transformative synergy between pharmacy science and engineering. This book demonstrates how researchers can expedite the identification and development of novel therapeutic compounds by harnessing the power of computational approaches, such as sophisticated algorithms and modeling techniques. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, pharmacy scientists and engineers can revolutionize drug discovery, paving the way for more efficient and effective treatments. This book is an invaluable resource for pharmaceutical scientists, researchers, and engineers seeking to enhance their understanding of computational drug discovery. This book inspires future innovations by showcasing cutting-edge methodologies and innovative research at the intersection of pharmacy science and engineering. It contributes to the ongoing evolution of pharmaceutical research. It offers practical insights and solutions that will shape the future of drug discovery, making it essential reading for anyone involved in the pharmaceutical industry.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369328972
  • Publication Date: Jul 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Python for Engineering and Scientific Computing

Veit Steinkamp

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781493225590
  • Publication Date: Apr 2024
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Research Anthology on Usage and Development of Open Source Software

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781799891581
  • Publication Date: Apr 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Quantum Computing and Cryptography in Future Computers

Bhawana Rudra

In recent decades, computing has undergone rapid evolutions and groundbreaking developments that affect almost every sector across the world. The developments of quantum computing and quantum cryptography are similarly revolutionizing computing and security with lasting impacts and implications. Quantum computing and quantum cryptography will pave the path for new opportunities for the future of computing. Quantum Computing and Quantum Cryptography in Future Computers discusses quantum computing and quantum cryptography principles and their impact on future computers. It includes coverage of the role of quantum computing to overcome the issues of current security methods. It also discusses the application of quantum computing in various areas like security, blockchain, and more. Covering topics such as attack detection, machine learning, and quantum key distribution, this premier reference source is an ideal resource for developers, engineers, practitioners, security experts, students and educators of higher education, librarians, researchers, and academicians.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781799895220
  • Publication Date: Apr 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Emerging Perspectives in Systems Security Engineering, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence

Maurice Dawson

The global society has continued down a path of more connected devices, resulting in an explosion of data and endless possibilities, such as the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). In turn, this has changed the threat landscape, and this must be secured differently and managed constructively. The use of data science and AI could allow for more secure networks and systems but, at the same time, be used to undermine these connected environments. Emerging Perspectives in Systems Security Engineering, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence addresses emerging perspectives in systems security engineering, data science, and AI. Covering topics such as business resilience, IoT malware detection, and supply chain cyber security, this premier reference source is an excellent resource for computer scientists, security experts, IT managers, data scientists, students and educators of higher education, librarians, researchers, and academicians.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781668463253
  • Publication Date: Apr 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

ODE, BVP, and 1D PDE Solvers for Scientific and Engineering Problems With MATLAB Basics

Leonid Burstein

In the academic field, engineers, scientists, educators, and students are faced with a persistent challenge: the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical implementation in solving real-world engineering problems. The scarcity of focused resources tailored to mastering MATLAB® and its specialized solvers for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) and One-Dimensional Partial Differential Equations (1D PDEs) has left many individuals struggling to bridge this educational chasm. The disconnect between the theory learned in the classroom and the ability to effectively address engineering challenges in the real world has become a significant hurdle. The definitive solution to the academic conundrum of this lack of a focused resource is the book, ODE, BVP, and 1D PDE Solvers for Scientific and Engineering Problems with MATLAB Basics , which draws on years of teaching experience. This groundbreaking book provides a structured and holistic learning path designed to empower both novice learners and seasoned professionals. It takes readers on a comprehensive journey, commencing with the fundamentals of MATLAB® software and culminating in the mastery of its application in solving ODEs and 1D PDEs for a broad range of engineering problems.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781668468500
  • Publication Date: Apr 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Harnessing High-Performance Computing and AI for Environmental Sustainability


The world is addressing the insistent challenge of climate change, and the need for innovative solutions has become paramount. In this period of technical developments, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful instrument with enormous prospects to combat climate change and other environmental subjects. AI's ability to process vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make intelligent predictions offers unprecedented opportunities to tackle this global crisis. High-Performance Computing (HPC) or super-computing environments address these large and complex challenges with individual nodes (computers) working together in a cluster (connected group) to perform massive amounts of computing in a short period. Creating and removing these clusters is often automated in the cloud to reduce costs. Computer networks, communication systems, and other IT infrastructures have a growing environmental footprint due to significant energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. To address this seemingly self-defeating conundrum, and create a truly sustainable environment, new energy models, algorithms, methodologies, platforms, tools, and systems are required to support next-generation computing and communication infrastructures. Harnessing High-Performance Computing and AI for Environmental Sustainability navigates through AI-driven solutions from sustainable agriculture and land management to energy optimization and smart grids. It unveils how AI algorithms can analyze colossal datasets, offering unprecedented insights into climate modeling, weather prediction, and long-term climate trends. Integrating AI-powered optimization algorithms revolutionizes energy systems, propelling the transition towards a low-carbon future by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing efficiency. This book is ideal for educators, environmentalists, industry professionals, and researchers alike, and it explores the ethical dimensions and policies surrounding AI's contribution to environmental development.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369317945
  • Publication Date: Apr 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

A Ramble through Probability

Samopriya Basu

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781611977813
  • Publication Date: Mar 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Data Science and Machine Learning with Python

Gurpreet Singh Josan

  • Imprint: TechSar
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9788197069505
  • Publication Date: Mar 2024
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Advanced Geospatial Practices in Natural Environment Resource Management


Today, the relentless depletion of natural resources has reached a critical juncture, demanding innovative solutions. Advanced Geospatial Practices in Natural Environment Resource Management dives into the intricate tapestry of issues jeopardizing ecosystems. This book systematically dissects the fundamental drivers, traces the historical evolution, and elucidates the underlying causes that have led to this precarious point. From deforestation to pollution, from climate change to habitat destruction, these challenges are multifaceted. By harnessing the power of data-driven decision-making and predictive modeling, this book advocates for a profound shift in the approach to environmental issues. This book also explores the complexities of water, soil, and air-related challenges, offering technically sound solutions that strike a balance between legislative, economic, social, and political considerations. The holistic approach championed in these pages holds the potential to benefit governments, businesses, and communities alike. This book is ideal for a diverse audience, including students, scholars, and researchers, as well as environmental science enthusiasts, geospatial technology professionals, and AI/ML practitioners. Policymakers, environmental engineers, and professionals engaged in governmental and corporate sustainability initiatives will also discover practical solutions to address the pressing challenges.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369313961
  • Publication Date: Mar 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Computational Intelligence for Green Cloud Computing and Digital Waste Management

K. Dinesh Kumar

In the digital age, the relentless growth of data centers and cloud computing has given rise to a pressing dilemma. The power consumption of these facilities is spiraling out of control, emitting massive amounts of carbon dioxide, and contributing to the ever-increasing threat of global warming. Studies show that data centers alone are responsible for nearly eighty million metric tons of CO2 emissions worldwide, and this figure is poised to skyrocket to a staggering 8000 TWh by 2030 unless we revolutionize our approach to computing resource management. The root of this problem lies in inefficient resource allocation within cloud environments, as service providers often over-provision computing resources to avoid Service Level Agreement (SLA) violations, leading to both underutilization of resources and a significant increase in energy consumption. Computational Intelligence for Green Cloud Computing and Digital Waste Management stands as a beacon of hope in the face of the environmental and technological challenges we face. It introduces the concept of green computing, dedicated to creating an eco-friendly computing environment. The book explores innovative, intelligent resource management methods that can significantly reduce the power consumption of data centers. From machine learning and deep learning solutions to green virtualization technologies, this comprehensive guide explores innovative approaches to address the pressing challenges of green computing. Whether you are an educator teaching about green computing, an environmentalist seeking sustainability solutions, an industry professional navigating the digital landscape, a resolute researcher, or simply someone intrigued by the intersection of technology and sustainability, this book offers an indispensable resource.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369315521
  • Publication Date: Mar 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Reverse Engineering of Deceptions on Machine- and Human-Centric Attacks

Yuguang Yao

In this work, a forward-looking perspective on the challenges and opportunities associated with RED are presented. In addition, foundational and practical insights in the realms of AI security and trustworthy computer vision are provided.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781638283409
  • Publication Date: Mar 2024
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Bio-Inspired Optimization Techniques in Blockchain Systems

U. Vignesh

In the dynamic landscape of bioinformatics and blockchain technology, a profound challenge is evident: ensuring secure exchange and analysis of complex biological data while maintaining data integrity and ownership. Traditional methods fall short in seamlessly transferring genomic data, spurring the fusion of blockchain innovation and optimization algorithms as a groundbreaking solution. Biology-Inspired Optimization Techniques in Blockchain Systems directly addresses the data integrity and ownership dilemma in bioinformatics and blockchain. Despite the intricacies of genomic data, blockchain's potential solution faces obstacles like data volume and slow transactions. These challenges are adeptly overcome through optimization algorithms. The book, authored by experts in bioinformatics, blockchain, and optimization, offers a comprehensive guide, showcasing how blockchain architecture and biological data intricacies can harmonize. It provides a blueprint for using blockchain to store genomic variants and aligned reads. This work empowers developers, data scientists, and researchers to overcome technological barriers, redefining the landscape of bioinformatics and beyond.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369311318
  • Publication Date: Feb 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Applications and Principles of Quantum Computing

Alex Khang

In a world driven by technology and data, classical computing faces limitations in tackling complex challenges like climate modeling and financial risk assessment. These barriers impede our aspirations to revolutionize industries and solve intricate real-world problems. To bridge this gap, we must embrace quantum computing. Edited by Alex Khang PH, Principles and Applications of Quantum Computing is a transformative solution to this challenge. It delves into the interdisciplinary realms of computer science, physics, and mathematics, unveiling the incredible potential of quantum computing, which outperforms supercomputers by 158 million times. This technology, rooted in quantum mechanics, offers solutions to global problems and opens new frontiers in AI, cybersecurity, finance, drug development, and more. By engaging with this book, you become a pioneer in the quantum revolution, contributing to reshaping the limits of what's achievable in our digital age.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369311684
  • Publication Date: Feb 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Mathematical Theory of Finite Elements

Leszek F. Demkowicz

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781611977721
  • Publication Date: Dec 2023
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Quantum Innovations at the Nexus of Biomedical Intelligence

Vishal Dutt

The convergence of quantum technologies and biomedical intelligence is a frontier of boundless potential. The quantum advancements revolutionize disease detection, personalized medicine, and health monitoring frameworks while confronting the pressing challenge of accountability in machine learning systems within the biomedical domain. How do quantum innovations at the nexus of biomedical intelligence redefine biomedical research and healthcare, addressing critical inquiries such as the transformative potential of quantum computing, machine learning, and sensing technologies? Quantum Innovations at the Nexus of Biomedical Intelligence explores the intricate synergy between quantum mechanics and the biomedical domain. This book elucidates the profound implications and applications arising from the fusion of quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and biomedical sciences. This book introduces biomedical engineering, setting the stage for a deep dive into the transformative role of quantum computing and artificial intelligence. As the narrative unfolds, the text navigates the reader through the uncharted territories of quantum-enhanced machine learning, quantum sensing and their profound impact on diagnostics, personalized medicine, and health monitoring frameworks. The intersection of quantum computing and AI in medical advancements and cybersecurity is illuminated, offering a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted applications of these cutting-edge technologies. This book is ideal for researchers, scientists, academics, and professionals across diverse disciplines in quantum innovations within biomedical intelligence.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369314791
  • Publication Date: Dec 2023
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Promoting Sustainable Management Through Technological Innovation

Supriya Lamba Sahdev

The world is facing unprecedented environmental and social challenges that threaten our ability to achieve a sustainable future for all. Issues like climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality require urgent action, but technology, while a potential solution, also introduces new risks. Promoting Sustainable Management Through Technological Innovation offers a comprehensive solution by exploring the benefits and risks of technology, emphasizing ethical considerations, and providing insights and recommendations for policymakers, business leaders, and researchers to harness technological innovation for sustainability. This book contributes to the ongoing conversation around sustainable development by guiding policymakers in developing effective policies, assisting business leaders in implementing sustainable practices, and providing researchers with a comprehensive overview of current research. It serves as a valuable resource for academic scholars and professionals interested in the intersection of technology and sustainability. Policymakers can shape policies promoting sustainability, business leaders can integrate sustainable practices and innovation, researchers can gain insights for further investigation, and educators can utilize it in sustainability and technology courses. Overall, the book serves as a key reference, guiding readers toward responsible and effective solutions that leverage technology for a more sustainable future.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781668499795
  • Publication Date: Oct 2023
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Deterministic and Stochastic Approaches in Computer Modeling and Simulation

Radi Petrov Romansky

In the field of computer modeling and simulation, academic scholars face a pressing challenge—how to navigate the complex landscape of both deterministic and stochastic approaches to modeling. This multifaceted arena demands a unified organizational framework, a comprehensive guide that can seamlessly bridge the gap between theory and practical application. Without such a resource, scholars may struggle to harness the full potential of computer modeling, leaving critical questions unanswered and innovative solutions undiscovered. Deterministic and Stochastic Approaches in Computer Modeling and Simulation serves as the definitive solution to the complex problem scholars encounter. By presenting a comprehensive and unified organizational approach, this book empowers academics to conquer the challenges of computer modeling with confidence. It not only provides a classification of modeling methods but also offers a formalized, step-by-step approach to conducting model investigations, starting from defining objectives to analyzing experimental results. For academic scholars seeking a holistic understanding of computer modeling, this book is the ultimate solution. It caters to the diverse needs of scholars by addressing both deterministic and stochastic approaches. Through its structured chapters, it guides readers from the very basics of computer systems investigation to advanced topics like stochastic analytical modeling and statistical modeling.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781668489475
  • Publication Date: Oct 2023
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Convergence of Cloud Computing, AI, and Agricultural Science

Avinash Kumar Sharma

Convergence of Cloud Computing, AI, and Agricultural Science explores the transformative potential of integrating cutting-edge technologies into the field of agriculture. With the rapid advancements in cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT), this research presents a comprehensive framework for monitoring agriculture farms remotely using a smart cloud-based system. The book delves into the application of AI-based machine learning models, such as the Support Vector Machine (SVM), to accurately classify and process the collected data. This advanced research reference book also explores how digital information can provide farmers with information about international markets, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding their crops. With its academic tone and in-depth exploration of cloud computing in smart agriculture, this book serves as an essential resource for researchers, academics, and professionals in the fields of agriculture, computer science, and environmental science. By examining the convergence of cloud computing, AI, and agricultural science, it provides a roadmap for harnessing technology to revolutionize farming practices and ensure sustainable agri-food systems in the digital era.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369302002
  • Publication Date: Aug 2023
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Modeling and Simulation of Functional Nanomaterials for Forensic Investigation

Allah Rakha

Nanotechnology continues to contribute to the progress of innovations in the area of forensic science ranging from sensing, DNA monitoring, and counterfeiting to fingerprinting. In recent years, functional nanomaterials are widely applied in nanoscience and forensic investigation. They can be used in future interdisciplinary research by scientists, engineers, and biotechnologists. Modeling and Simulation of Functional Nanomaterials for Forensic Investigation focuses on multiple applications related to forensics and provides information linked with nanoparticles. This book provides nanotechnology results in improving the sensitivity of established forensic techniques. It further focuses on different fabrication and characterization techniques of nanomaterials and relates their characteristics with forensic applications. Covering topics such as explosive detection, nano-forensic testing, and nano-trackers, this premier reference source is a comprehensive resource for material engineers, chemical engineers, nanotechnologists, biotechnologists, forensic scientists, students and educators of higher education, researchers, and academicians.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781668483251
  • Publication Date: Jun 2023
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days