Predicting, Monitoring, and Assessing Forest Fire Dangers and Risks

Publication Date:  
Dec 2019


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Provides innovative insights into forestry management and fire statistics. The publication examines climate change, thermal radiation, and remote sensing. It is designed for fire investigators, forestry technicians, emergency managers, fire and rescue specialists, researchers, meteorologists, computer engineers, academics, and students.

To understand the catastrophic processes of forest fire danger, different deterministic, probabilistic, and empiric models must be used. Simulating various surface and crown forest fires using predictive information technology could lead to the improvement of existing systems and the examination of the ecological and economic effects of forest fires in other countries.

Predicting, Monitoring, and Assessing Forest Fire Dangers and Risks provides innovative insights into forestry management and fire statistics. The content within this publication examines climate change, thermal radiation, and remote sensing. It is designed for fire investigators, forestry technicians, emergency managers, fire and rescue specialists, professionals, researchers, meteorologists, computer engineers, academicians, and students invested in topics centered around providing conjugate information on forest fire danger and risk.

Date Published30 Dec 2019
PublisherIGI Global
Dimensions279 x 215 x 25