A Single, Numberless Death

Publication Date:  
Sep 2002
Sep 2002


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Nora Strejilevich was a young woman when her brother and other family members and friends disappeared at the hands of the military junta that held power in Argentina from 1976 to 1983. Strejilevich here expresses the ""choir of voices"" of those imprisoned and abused.

Nora Strejilevich was a young woman when her brother and other family members and friends disappeared at the hands of the military junta that held power in Argentina from 1976 to 1983. Ostensibly part of a systemic campaign to eliminate left-wing terrorism, the violence perpetrated by the junta far exceeded anything the leftists ever dreamed of, enveloping not only the violent left but other dissidents and innocent civilians as well, and particularly targeting the Jewish population. A ""desaparecida"" herself, Strejilevich survived kidnapping and torture to speak of her experiences with a realism that extends from one end of the political spectrum to the other. In this English translation of her fictional memoir ""Una sola muerte numerosa"", Strejilevich combines autobiography, documentary journalism, fiction and poetry to express the ""choir of voices"" of the more than 30,000 souls who were imprisoned and abused. She engages the reader in the history of a bloody military coup and state-sanctioned anti-Semitism, exploring themes of exile, identity and violence.

Nora Strejilevich is Assistant Professor of Spanish and Portuguese at San Diego State University.
Date Published30 Sep 2002
PublisherUniversity of Virginia Press
Dimensions228 x 149 x 17
Shifting from present to a past of horror in the late seventies, and an even remoter past of fond family memories, Nora Strejilevich mixes quotes from [General Jorge Rafael] Videla and [Admiral Emilio] Massera with CONADEP records and poetic fragments to convey a full picture of [Argentina's infamous Dirty War].... Truly praiseworthy. - Buenos Aires Herald ""A hymn to the resistance and the spiritual power of human beings, this text is also a heartrending and effective condemnation of injustice."" - Andres Avellaneda, University of Florida